New volume 2012-07-04 13:46:41 description
New volume 2012-07-04 13:46:41 contents
- American Finance After Robert Morris Robert Morris can be fairly said to have made the American Revolution possible.
- Albert Gallatin A magnificent but largely forgotten man.
- Philadelphia Changes the Nature of Money Banking changed its fundamentals, on Third Street in Philadelphia, three different times.
- Banking Panic 2007-2009 (1) Mankind hasn't learned how to control sudden wealth, whether in families, third-world countries, or the richest nation in history. The world banking crisis of 2007 is the biggest example yet.
- Philadelphia Economics economics
- Whither, Federal Reserve? (1) Before Our Crash The Federal Reserve seems to be a big black box, containing magic. In fact, its high-wire acrobatics must not be allowed to fail. Nevertheless, it may be time to consider revising or replacing it.
- Whither, Federal Reserve? (2)After Our Crash Whither, Federal Reserve? (2)
- Financial Planning for a Long Retirement
How should individual investors ensure they have enough money for retirement?
Such a person is often a professional or entrepreneur who has worked to accumulate the wealth. Legions of "advisors"line up to take this money and manage it or else to sell "products" that promise to solve some problem or other. Without this background, extra savings will be needed, to buy advice. And advice is not invariably reliable.
A person who has created his/her career and its wealth from scratch, can likely manage investments themselves, or at least supervise the process from a position of strength from observation. Reliable advice is not always cheap.
This collection of articles explains to the individual investor how to take control of their wealth. They may eventually decide to look for help from an advisor but they will retain control of their assets and they will know what to do.
Financial Planning videos on YouTube - Investing, Philadelphia Style Land ownership once was the only practical form of savings, until banking matured in the mid-19th century. Philadelphia took an early lead in what is now called investment and still defines a certain style of it.
- Why Bother Investing? In a sense, money is worthless until you spend it.