Quaker Philadelphia 1683-1776
New volume 2012-11-21 17:33:18 description
New volume 2012-11-21 17:33:18 contents
- Quakers: The Society of Friends According to an old Quaker joke, the Holy Trinity consists of the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, and the neighborhood of Philadelphia.
- Quakers: William Penn Although Ben Franklin gets more ink lately, William Penn deserves at least equal rank among the most remarkable men who ever lived.
- Tourist Walk in Olde Philadelphia Colonial Philadelphia can be seen in a hard day's walk, if you stick to the center of town.
- Litchfield to Wilkes Barre, Today The journey of Connecticut's invasion path into Pennsylvania has changed little in two centuries. But some pretty important history has since taken place along that route.
- To Germantown, a Short Appreciation Seven miles from the heart of Philadelphia, Germantown was once a separate town, the cultural center of Germans in America. Revolutionary battles were fought here, it was briefly the capital of the United States, and it still has an outstanding collection of schools and colleges.
- Philadelphia Before the English Settlement New topic 2012-07-09 15:21:41 description
- New Jersey (State of) The Garden State really has two different states of mind. The motto is Liberty and Prosperity.
- The Proprietorship of West Jersey The southern half of New Jersey was William Penn's first venture in real estate. It undoubtedly gave him bigger ideas.
- Charter of Pennsylvania, from Charles II to William Penn William Penn suggested what he wanted, and the Royal bureaucracy suggested suitable modifications of the gift. The resulting charter is a shrewd and fair legal document, but contained a major geographical error.
- Connecticut Invades Pennsylvania! Connecticut once waged three serious wars with Pennsylvania, and we don't even remember it. But politicians noticed that all became peaceful after we united into a single nation. Others noticed the Articles of Confederation were strong enough to cope with invasions by neighbor states. The two proprietorships of New Jersey taught some smaller lessons. Virginia taught still other lessons.
- Benjamin Franklin A collection of Benjamin Franklin tidbits that relate Philadelphia's revolutionary prelate to his moving around the city, the colonies, and the world.
- Pre-Revolutionary Philadelphia .
- Arch Street: from Sixth to Second When the large meeting house at Fourth and Arch was built, many Quakers moved their houses to the area. At that time, "North of Market" implied the Quaker region of town.
- Whither, Federal Reserve? (1) Before Our Crash The Federal Reserve seems to be a big black box, containing magic. In fact, its high-wire acrobatics must not be allowed to fail. Nevertheless, it may be time to consider revising or replacing it.
- Quaker Gardens New topic 2016-12-04 04:23:55 description
- Quakers: All Alike, All Different Quaker doctrines emerge from the stories they tell about each other.