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George E. Farrar, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.P. Pennswood Village, Audland 106
Newtown, Pennsylvania 18940
(215) 968-0810
George Ross Fisher III MD
829 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
September 25, 1989
Dear George:
At the September meeting of the Bucks County Medical Society, which I attend occasionally as a guest of its Past-President, Phillip Friedman, M.D., Langhorne, the speaker, my friend and associate of many decades, Al Finestone tells me that on October 11th the Philadelphia Caucus will elect a First District Trustee to replace John Helwig, Jr., M.D., who has resigned for personal reasons. He reports that George Ross Fisher, Edward J. Resnick, and Albert J. Finestone are candidates. I am pleased because I believe that each of the three candidates is qualified and competent to serve as Trustee. In my time, the trustees, such as “Ray†Crane, Bob Pressman and Jack Helwig have been very wise, industrious and effective. If I were a Delegate, for which of my three good friends would I vote?
Please indulge this Past-President of Philadelphia County (1964) and Pennsylvania Medical (1968-9) Societies who has been active in organized medicine for 35 years.
I am delighted with the performance of George Ross Fisher as Chairman, Philadelphia Delegation to the Pennsylvania Medical Society. This is one of the more important posts in our organization. In my experience, the performance of this Delegation has often been disorganized and less effective than the Delegations from Allegheny and other Counties. I believe that George has the ability, experience, and interest to lead Philadelphia physicians effectively and wisely. Numerically, remember that the performance of the Pennsylvania Medical Society depends first upon the functioning of the Delegation from Philadelphia, second from Allegheny County and third from the rest of the State. Hence each of you is most important. The Delegates from PMS to the AMA, in my experience, have been better organized and effective annually in Chicago. Hence, I urge you to retain George Ross Fisher as Chairman of your Delegation. I hope that you have or will read the explanatory articles he has written in Philadelphia Medicine this year. I have complimented him.
Ed Resnick, I consider as a good friend, who has served PCMS well for many years. Presently, I note that he is honored by appointment as Chairman, Fellowship Committee of Philadelphia College of Physicians, a venerable and typically Philadelphia Organization, which sets the tone of scientific, educational and public service activates of the Health Professions in Philadelphia and in Pennsylvania, I am proud that Dan Shaw, my assistant, and successor as Medical Director, Wyeth Laboratories, Division of American Home Products Corporation, is serving as President-Elect of the CPP. I am pleased that Ed will bring a fresh approach to the venerable College on whose leadership Philadelphia is dependent.
Al Finestone, as an active practitioner and a national leader in Continuing Medical Education at Temple University, has wide contacts in the Medical Profession and unique experience in the educational problems of our members. Presently he has no post of leadership in organized medicine in Pennsylvania. I believe that I would vote for Al for First District Trustee in 1989.
As Physician disabilities limit my activities and the horizon is lowering on this octogenarian, I follow the performance of organized medicine closely and with great interest in these troubled times; mostly Presidents of PMS and AMA hear from me like an old friend during their term in office. There were problems in 1960-69, but nothing to compare with the mess of 1989. I pray for your wisdom as the Congress, in their ignorance of health matters, enact restrictive legislation. Perhaps the AMA has failed to provide constructive leadership to solve the health problems of the American people (I think so), but this is where we are in 1989. The Access and cost contact with my Congressman in an individual attempt to educate him on health matters. I am pleased to recall that Bob Craig started the annual visitation to Washington, D.C. by our members during my term of office in PMS; I remember flying from Anchorage, Alaska where I was on Wyeth business to join you in visiting our Congressman in 1969. I wish that many of you would establish a close friendship with your Congressman for they need your wisdom, as well as your vote.
God bless you all,
George Farrar
Originally published: Wednesday, June 28, 2017; most-recently modified: Monday, May 20, 2019