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Shakspere Society of Philadelphia
Maybe not the first, but the oldest Shakespeare club in America or possibly even the world, has kept minutes for over a hundred fifty years.
The Shakspere Society's annual dinner to honor Shakspere's birthday was held this year at the Francis Cope House in the Awbury Arboretum in Germantown. I know that all members who were present join me in raising a glass to toast our gracious hosts, Messrs. Friedman, Madeira and Pope, for arranging such a splendid site for our feast'a revelation to most of us, unaware of this jewel in our midst in Germantown. The feast itself beggared all description: a gourmet and gourmand's delight! Members again had the great pleasure of the presence in our midst of spouses and partners and friends of our compeers in the Society. As Dean Wagner said in his remarks on this great occasion, we may now safely say that a splendid new tradition has established itself since this is the third consecutive annual dinner when we have been graced with the company of members' family and friends.
Members present: Ake, Baird, Bartlett, Binnion, Bornemann, Cheston, Cramer, Di Stefano, Dobson, Dunn, Dupee, Fallon, Friedman, Green, Hanna, Hopkinson, Lehmann, Mabry, Madeira, Peck, Pickering, Pope, Rivinus, Schmalzbach, Wagner, Warden, Wheeler.
The Society's officers for 2003-2004 will continue to be Dean Wagner as our fearless leader, Vice Dean Colonel Professor Doctor Fallon as our invaluable guide to the Bard's plays, your scribe as Secretary, Mr. O' Malley as Treasurer, and Dr. Binnion as Librarian. We were happy to see the courageous Librarian make his way into the Cope House for our festive gathering only two weeks after having both knees replaced. You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
Members were particularly happy to welcome to our midst our dear friend Mr. Rivinus, who has been a member of the Society for several decades and who served the Society as an officer for many years.
The plays which we will read during 2003-2004 are As You Like It, Macbeth, and a few scenes from Timon of Athens.
Speaking of Macbeth, a strong production of this shattering masterpiece is still in performance for the next couple of weeks at 21st Street and Sansom, on the second floor of the Lutheran Church parish hall there. An even better production would give us a Macbeth and Lady Macbeth of more nuanced and emotional range, but these are theatrical, intense performances in many scenes: well worth a visit.
Respectfully submitted Robert G. Peck Secretary
Originally published: Monday, March 31, 2008; most-recently modified: Monday, May 13, 2019